Table of Contents


This page contains a (nearly) complete list of projects that i personally invested (more) effort and time during the last years.

Beside of work projects, leisure projects or student work are listed too and had sometimes more attention than necessary, because of personal interest, additional programming practice or just for fun.


[2013] Parallella [PREORDERED]

Pre-ordered a Parallella ARM based single-board computer with a 16-core Epiphany coprocessor and an advanced memory model. It is designed for massive parallel applications and i want to perform some image processing and model building tests.

[2013] Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi Model B ARM based credit-card-sized single-board computer. Had less time but wanted to test Qt embedded system environement and applications in combination with a touch screen (had not much time, but Qt embedded works so far).

[2011-13] PAIR - Patient Alignment Imaging Ring

Development of a combined positioning and imaging system for MedAustron in cooperation with Buck Engineering & Consulting GmbH (BEC) (robot, motor steering, see MedAustron Robotic Positioning) and medPhoton GmbH (imaging ring).
Responsibilities: specification, prototyping, engineering, workshops, project management, software development (C++, Qt)

Description and links

see SCIENTIFIC for additional information:

[2011-13] MedAustron - open-radART ion

Collaboration with MedAutron to develop and deliver the open-radART ion software suite (see here).
Responsibilities: requirements definition, specification, workshops, project management, software development

The open-radART ion software suite consists of the following major software components:

[2010-13] REG23: 2D/3D Registration

REG23 is a module of the open-radART software platform (see here) and performs 2D/3D Registration in the clinical radiotherapy environment.
Responsibilities: Mask-optimization, GUI, scripting, deployment, maintenance, validation, clinical integration

REG23 and the ORAIFUTILS library are available in plastimatch repository (since April 2011) and are open source (BSD):


see SCIENTIFIC for additional information:

[2010-13] open-radART

open-radART is a class IIb per rule 10 (93/42/EEC, Annex IX) medical product for radation therapy and conforms to the following standards:

About open-radART [DE]


[2012] Robot Simulation

Visualization and simulation prototype of a robot (KUKA KR270) and its kinematic model. Allows basic user interaction wit the models.
Responsibilities: development (C++, Qt, Qt3D, KDL)

[2012-13] DICOM-Painter

DICOM-Painter is a module of the open-radART software platform (see here) and manipulates DICOM volumetric images for use in radiotherapy planning.
Responsibilities: requirements, specification, project management, supervision of trainees (I. Laasch, P. Keuschnigg), deployment, maintenance, validation, clinical integration


[2011] DICOM Parser

DICOM parser is a simple command line tool that parses an existing DICOM RT plan object and replaces certain DICOM tag values to enable their import in open-radART (see here).
Responsibilities: requirements, specification, implementation, validation

[2012] Dose Annotation and Image Viewing Module

Market review for dose annotation of radiotherapy planning systems and requirements engineering ans specification of an image viewing module.
Responsibilities: requirements, specification, presentations

[2012-13] Distributed Inter-Process Communication (DIPC)

DIPC provides a basic bidirectional point-to-point communication infrastructure for open-radART (see here) system component processes. DIPC supports communication across process borders; i.e. distributed remote connections. DIPC does not make any implications on the higher-level communication protocol, it rather provides the transport layer for realizing them efficiently. Summed up, DIPC provides a stable and consistent message/data transport layer.
Responsibilities: requirements, specification, implementation, validation


[2012/13] open-radRT collaboration platform (ORA-CP)

ORA-CP is a web-based system to for CE-certified software development of open-radART (see here) and all kind of documentation and file management. It replaced the previous used platform (see [2010-12] and documents. It is based on DokuWiki, ICKEwiki, plug-ins, extensions and self created, customized and extended plug-ins and extensions.
Responsibilities: requirements, specification, project management, implementation, automated data migration, validation, maintenance, operation

Main functionalities:

[2011-12] Flexmap

Tests to calibrate a 9 degree of freedom, rotational X-ray system based on multi view geometry and homography calculations.
Responsibilities: implementation, tests (R-statistics)

[2011] Application of RGB-Depth data in Radiotherapy

Possible radiotherapy applications based on RGB-D (color+depth) measurements with the Microsoft Kinect.
Responsibilities: requirements, specification, implementation, test measurements (C++, ITK, VTK, Qt, OpenNI)

[2011/12] CBCT reconstruction

CBCT reconstruction from non orthogonal image planes with plastimatch (FDK). Conversion pipeline for our ELEKTA XVI 2D images to be used with the plastimatch FDK algorithm for CBCT reconstruction.
Responsibilities: development (C++, ITK, VTK)

[2011/12] open-radART 3D/3D (OR33)

OR33 is a 3D to 3D volume registration application.
Responsibilities: fixes and maintenance (C++, ITK, VTK, Qt)

[2010/12] open radART in Focus (ORAIF)

ORAIF is a module of the open-radART software platform (see here) and consists of a set of projects enabling visualization and image processing of 2D, 3D and 4D image data as well as polygonal structure sets. It is dedicated to radiotherapy.
Responsibilities: deployment and maintenance (C++, ITK, VTK)


Maintenance of a web-based system to replace old file based documents (Word, Excel) for CE-certified software development of open-radART (see here).
Responsibilities: requirements, specification, maintenance

Main functionalities:

[2010] Stochastic Rank Correlation

An ITK-based Implementation of the Stochastic Rank Correlation (SRC) Metric.
Responsibilities: test-data, examples, testing (C++, ITK)
see Publications

[2010] Master Thesis

see Master Thesis

[2009/10] Analyzing Microarray Data using Bioconductor

Analyzing Microarray data (ArrayExpress) using Bioconductor (two ovarian studies).
Responsibilities: R-code, Sweave, typesetting (TeX/Sweave documentation and R-code hacking).

[2009] Bachelor Thesis

see Bachelor Thesis

[2009] Field study

Pervasive Healthcare Systems - Field study: Predict subjective well-being from mouse movement.
Java applet to record training data and comparison of different predictors to assess subjective human well-being based on mouse movements.

[2009] Ventricular Activation-potential Simulation with Cellular Automata

Development of a ventricular CA-model to simulate activation times and cell potentials.
Responsibilities: Project-leader, integration, GUI, software architecture, software development, documentation
Features: Import of segmented cell types, cell configuration based on several cell models, postgres-DB backend for results, all configurations and simulations are logged, undo/redo

[2009] Manage your Run Web-Platform

A system for the management as well as analysis from sporty activities (in particular run data).
Responsibilities: Server, basic setup of CMS, php templates, php teaching of other team members, DB-Integration, php development, project co-leader
Project leader: Dipl.-Ing. Roland Kienast

Web based portal (php, mysql, based on e107 CMS) with the following main functions (additionally implemented to CMS functionality):

[2009] Frank van Swieten Lecture

Frank van Swieten Lectures on Strategic Information Management in Hospitals, June 24th-June 26th 2009 Amsterdam

[2008] Monte-Carlo Simulations

Implemented simple Monte-Carlo simulations in the course of a seminar.

[2008] Fileserver, Webserver

Simple file and web-server implementation (C, C++, Java).

[2008] Play Pong with XMotion Sensor

A pygame (python based Pong) was controlled with a Bluetooth XSense Motion Sensor (equipped with accelerometer, gyroscopes and magnetic field sensors).
Basic instructions were provided by Kai Kunze (ETH Zürich).

[2008] Cryptography

Exemplary implementation of parity codes over groups, codes over groups, syndrome decoding, checksums (C++).

[2007] ImageJ Volume Rendering Plugin

Gradient and intensity weighted volume rendering of volumetric data-sets (grayscale stacks).
2D weight function editor with variable number of key-points and automatic initialization of “optimal” parameters based on 2D Otsu thresholds.

[2007] Neuronal Net

Implementation of back propagation with a three-layer perceptron (Java).

Small presentation with test results

[2007] Mini-Chess

Simplified chess game with artificial intelligence (minimax with alpha-beta pruning).
Can be played versus other players (network) or just against the AI.

[2007] Genetic Algorithms

Implementation of a genetic algorithm program to solve the traveling salesman problem.

[2007] Pattern Recognition in Signals

Matlab-based, sliding window pattern recognition in EKG signals (QRS detection), filtering and discretization.

[2007] Sequence Alignment

Exact string matching: Naive Method & Z-Algorithm.
Dynamic programming practice and basic implementation of Dotplots, FASTA and BLAST.

[2006] HL7 2.3.1 Client

A HL7 (Health Level Seven) Client that uses the HAPI library, JDOM and log4j.
Generates and parses HL7 messages, dynamically builds a GUI with the current message type fields and checks every value for validity based on XML files.
Implemented some HL7 basic functions (e.g. check digit sheme Mod10, Mod11).

[2006] Cellular Automaton

Game of life implementation and “ants” during a lecture.
Basic framework was provided by Priv.-Doz. DI Dr. Bernhard Pfeifer.

[2006] Assembler Programming

MSP430 Micro-controller - 16bit RISC CPU
Some basic instruction sets to perform calculations (calculator) with input through a keypad and output of the results on LED digits.

before 2006

Projects before 2006 were mainly small web-based tools (php, javascript) and electrical work projects